Thursday, 10 February 2011

Busy week of telling stories

This week has been a very busy one in our degree. We have had the submission of the second round business plan for Venture Cup, a competition in Sweden where you can win money for having the best business ideas. We also had the first round of Dragons at the University, a pitching competition that will be broadcast for TV, where you tell your idea to investors and they tell you if they would invest in your idea (if it were a real pitch). I've never seen the show, but I understand that it is made to be a little bit dramatic, so they might say some nasty things to us in order to get some reactions.

Click to enlarge.
The business plan was the big piece of work that we submitted during the week. Though Biggi isn't very good at interpreting recipes for pizza sauce, he is good as using InDesign to make attractive layouts (see picture). The plan was 31 pages in the end, but it will be expanded to be around double that size by the end of May.

If anyone had been wondering what I am doing for my project in the degree, the one sentence summary there is a pretty good start. You can see some of the furniture prototypes that were made by our researchers in the photos. Of course the rest of the plan won't be uploaded here, but you can get an inkling.

Today for the Dragons at the University, we went to the presentation where around 10 people, including university representatives, business angels, business incubator bosses and more were listening to our pitches all day. Out of 14 groups, we were one of the eight that were chosen who will go through to the next round with the actual investors (the cast of the TV show).

It's been an interesting week for sure and I feel like the degree is really starting to take off rather than being so theory based. On another note, the class has settled into our office space and there is a rhythm to the place now. Everyone who bothers to come to the office has more or less chosen a room they like and tend to work in them every day.

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