Friday, 27 August 2010

Microfinancing culture

While hunting around for an alternative for Facebook (which is getting a bit lame these days) I ran into the site called Kick Starter.

Look at all that money in those small hands!
It could be you or someone you know!
This site is made for people who have an idea and want to get it going, but don't have the cash. There are so many projects that would be great except they aren't big enough to invest in, but too big to finance on your own. Perhaps they don't fit in with any grants on offer or perhaps you just don't want to be involved in the bureaucracy that grants come along with.

Anyway Kick Starter (Beta) is a site where you can put your project up and ask people to fund it. People with a cool idea will attract people who are sick to death of boring old crap. They will give you money, like in this example.

Its the perfect way to fund culture and its proof that people will actually give money to things they think are worth paying for.

With the new micro-possibilities that are open to more or less everyone on the internet, Kick Starter is going to be one of many sites where people can get some dough together to make the world that little bit richer with culture and ideas. God knows we all need some in this media-syndicated world.

Oh by the way, its only available in America, so people reading at home in Australia, you can't use it. Don't worry though, it will only take an Australian about four years to invent the same thing, going by the rate of technological advances in the country. Oh but by that time the internet will be censored anyway. Tough luck.

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