Monday, 30 August 2010

Riding Skåne

Today I woke up at 6:30 to do my work for, have breakfast, have a shower and ride to university for the very first class of my master's degree.

When I woke up I checked the flag outside to see if there was any wind. It was limp against its pole and I rejoiced.

By the time I got going on the bike though it was another story with a decent gale of wind pushing me back with every turn of the pedal. I was already 10 minutes behind schedule due to a talkative house mate and thinking I had misplaced my keys. In fact I had already put my keys into my bag the day before in case I forgot them, but I forgot that I did this :)

Look at me go. Bat out of hell!
With just 45 minutes to belt it about 12 km against the wind from Lomma to the School of Economics and Management at the university in Lund, I started to worry that I wouldn't make it. I pedaled hard and eventually made it with a few minutes to spare at the lecture hall, albeit with jelly legs.

On my way home I started thinking about how many kilometres I will ride each day here in Sweden. On Sunday we went to Malmö and around and I rode over 30 km. Today I rode around 24 km or so. I suppose on a regular day I will be riding around 25 km. Its also a 2 km round trip on the bike to the supermarket where I go almost every day, so I can add that in too.

Soon I will be fit as a fiddle — I just hope that in winter the road doesn't get so slushy that I can't ride anymore.

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