Thursday, 26 August 2010

Words of the day

Three words that I have easily been able to remember are "meatballs", "chicane" and "end". Thats because they sounds sort of funny in English.

Meatballs is köttbullar, which looks like it should have a k sound at the beginning. However in Swedish, when k is followed by a soft vowel, such as "ö" it becomes "sh". So it sounds almost like "shitbullar" or shit balls. Easy to remember.

Chicane is farthinder. Its easy to remember because hinder, means to slow down in English and fart is like fahrt (n. drive/ride) in German, which means to drive. Drive-slowerer. Got it.

End is slut. The u is nice and long like all Swedish vowel sounds, so it sounds a bit like sloooot. At the end of a film, where you would normally see "the end," you see "slut."

A few other words I've learned are smör (butter) and ägg (egg).

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